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Old 09-08-2008, 10:47 AM
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Originally Posted by mcmichael13
yes i very strongly support teaching creationism in schools. there is no "factual" proof for the "theory of evolution" which is taught in schools, so why not also teach the "theory of creationism"? God does not have to be mentioned by name. Just the fact that a supernatural being above us created the world can be taught just like the idea that we came here by mere chance and our world evolved from chaos to order.
That is unconstitutional.
Furthermore, The theory of evolution has more proof than the theory of creationism. There is actual evidence of evolution. The only evidence of creationism is a book that could have been written by anyone. (not to offend religous people, but as you already know, your religion is based on faith not facts.)
Evolution has the potential to become fact. It is very unlikely that creationism will ever have a yes or no answer.

Originally Posted by mcmichael13
i also believe in privatizing social security. I don't want to live in a socialistic society where the american dream is nothing more than the government controlling my retirement, my loans, my healthcare, and my life. The american dream is to work hard to provide these things for yourself.
If they privatize social security, the people who are on social security now don't have "accounts" and for them to continue to recieve social security while everyone else is now only contributing to their accounts, the government will have to raise taxes. Another problem is the people who are about to retire and be on social security. Those people will not have enough money in their accounts by the time they retire to support themselves. The only people who will have enough money in their accounts by the time they retire are the people who are just now entering the workforce and people who have recently entered the workforce. Everyone else will be somewhere in the middle and have so to speak a "half full" account. I doubt those people would recieve more assistance

Originally Posted by mcmichael13
obama's pitch for "change" was completely destroyed when he selected biden who has been in the senate since 1972. he is now the longest running senator in delawares history. he was a junior senator until 2000. biden was not a smart choice here.
Yea, your VP nominee is for change... in the wrong direction.

Originally Posted by mcmichael13
Trust you talk about radical views, I believe the views of the church obama attended for 20 years are pretty radical.
This is the definition of radical that I meant:
"a person who advocates fundamental political, economic, and social reforms by direct and often uncompromising methods."

Originally Posted by mcmichael13
The war on Iraq, we will win, unless obama is president. to propose a plan to pull out now with no care of what the enemy will do is just plain stupid. Yes the troops will come home, but to just yank them all out will make americans drop even lower in the world rank.
We have to propose a plan to let the Iraqis know that it isn't a free ride. If we don't tell them we're leaving soon, they'll sit around on their lazy asses and not get anything done, just like they've been doing. Well, actually they've been getting stuff done, just really slowly. They really need to try harder.
Obama's plan is 18 months... I don't think this will be really going on anymore in 18 months anyway.

Originally Posted by mcmichael13
I'm not a huge McCain supporter, but in my mind he is the lesser of two evils. One fact alone, the abortion view, is enough to make me not vote for obama. Some will say "well we will never get rid of abortion", well that doesnt make me want to support a candidate that supports the murder of children, born or unborn. God gives and takes life. I support choice, but that choice is in the couples choice to have sex. Dont want the kid? dont have the sex. For cases of rape, yes its very sad, however have the child and put it up for adoption. Palin knew before hand that her child would have down syndrome and she went ahead and had it anyway.
Obama doesn't support abortion, he supports the right to choose to have an abortion. Believe it or not, there is a difference. Pro-choice does not mean pro-kill; however, pro-life would more accurately be called anti-rights. He wants the number of unwanted pregnancies to go down. It's better to fix the direct cause of a problem than to just focus on fixing the effect.
Should the woman who gets raped have to go through more pain than she has to already?

Originally Posted by mcmichael13
I am also against gay/lesbian marriages. A marriage is between a man and a woman. It was adam and eve not adam and steve.
You guys all say you're for less government regulations. Uphold that position for once.

Originally Posted by mcmichael13
Global warming is a joke, a huge hoax. Scientist follow the money and will research things that will get them funding. There are plenty of politics in science/research. I go to an engineering school and we laugh about global warming.
Everyone knows that the Earth goes through a natural of entering and leaving ice ages, but when you look at the charts, they show that before we were here the rises and falls were more steady, and once we arrived they have gradually increased in intensity and rapidness. We are going through this change in the ice ages at a quicker rate than ever before. (we'll still obviously never see then end of this rise in our lifetimes.)

Originally Posted by mcmichael13
Universal healthcare works well for canada. which is why they come here for healthcare right? the guy on the street drinking motor oil doesnt deserve to have my higher taxes pay for his healthcare.
Most developed countries have universal health care. Use a different example besides the tired use of Canada and i'll be interested. Canada is the only example anyone ever uses, and i'd like to know how those other countries with it are doing. If it doesn't work, then why does everyone else have it?

Originally Posted by mcmichael13
taxing the big companies who employee the middle class, yeah thats good economics. The employees will pay for it, or the consumers of the services they provide.
You're leaving out half of it. The purpose of raising their taxes is to be able to lower middle class taxes without affecting how much money the government is getting from taxes. If the middle class pays less taxes, they'll have more money to spend on the services and goods that the corporations provide. The businesses will get their money back because of this, and the middle class will be in better shape.

By the way here's how much each candidate will lower your taxes below the current tax rates:
38k-66k income: McCain $325 --- Obama $1,118
66k-112k income: McCain $994 --- Obama $1,264
112k-161k income: McCain $2,584 --- Obama $2,135
161k-227k income: McCain $4,427 --- Obama $2,796

Originally Posted by mcmichael13
Obama’s solution to the problem of jobs and industry going offshore is to lean toward protectionist policies (renegotiate NAFTA, oppose new free trade treaties, etc.). When one combines Obama’s plans to tighten international trade, create carbon trading regulations that will be the equivalent of a further $100 billion corporate tax, raise taxes generally on business, as well as his mind-numbingly counterproductive ‘windfall’ profit taxes on petroleum product companies (full disclosure: as a rational person, I support and provide professional advice to the petroleum industry), one has a formula for economic catastrophe not seen since Herbert Hoover’s similar Depression-inducing policy in 1929.
We need to stop letting other countries import stuff for free, especially because many of those goods are being produced by outsourced jobs. They will either not make enough anymore to make outsourcing jobs efficient for companies, or the taxes on imports will give us some of the money back that those companies are cheating the country out of by outsourcing the jobs.

Originally Posted by mcmichael13
As for oil, start drilling in our own country to cut dependence, research alt fuel sources, drill off-shore. When foreign oil companies see we dont need them... prices will come down. why do you think the prices have been decreasing lately? supply and demand. supply is very high right now, so they must sell it cheaper to get it out.
Yea, great idea, let's just feed our oil addiction when we're finally starting to realize how bad it is. "Drill baby drill" is the new Republican anthem.
Does everyone not realize that it won't do anything for us for like 10 years?

Originally Posted by mcmichael13
Palin has fought corruption, not only in the democratic party but the republican party as well. Get to know the real Obama...
I already knew that about Obama. However, that video leaves out information. The congresswoman was running for the U.S. house or something, and she told Obama that he could run for her seat. Well, to everyone's suprise she lost her election and wanted to keep the seat that she said Obama could run for. It was her fault. He had to get her off the ballot. I can't remember why, but there was also a good reason for her not to be in office.
Old 09-08-2008, 07:57 PM
danomatic93's Avatar
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Originally Posted by mcmichael13
there is no "factual" proof for the "theory of evolution" which is taught in schools, so why not also teach the "theory of creationism"?
Considering a link between aquatic life and land life has been found?!

I really hate how self centered some religions persons can be, to believe that Earth was
created just for them and that no other being or thing is worthy of life planet or the afterlife. Crickets, Frogs, and Tigers are just as entitled to be as Humans. Which, by the way, Humans are animals, weird hey.

How about this, explain how Dinosaurs came into existence? Earth was made for Humans right? So, how then did they come before Humans? Since God is infallible he could not have messed up.

Originally Posted by mcmichael13
God does not have to be mentioned by name. Just the fact that a supernatural being above us created the world can be taught just like the idea that we came here by mere chance and our world evolved from chaos to order.
But also, who says that one cannot believe in a dual "theory" of part creationism and part evolution. This being that evolution is factual and that something (or someone) started it all. I guess that's too radical though...

Originally Posted by mcmichael13
obama's pitch for "change" was completely destroyed when he selected biden who has been in the senate since 1972. he is now the longest running senator in delawares history. he was a junior senator until 2000. biden was not a smart choice here.
I like how your statistic sounds startling, but it's nothing. The longest running of Delaware? I mean, come on. How about the longest running ever, meaning of all 50 states, or longest running out of 25 states, or 20... ...but just Delaware. AHHH, watch out for no change!!!! Heck, if he had only 10 years of experience you'd be complaining of the lack of his experience. This argument is simply fatuous.

Originally Posted by mcmichael13
Trust you talk about radical views, I believe the views of the church obama attended for 20 years are pretty radical.
Wow, welcome back to the Billary vs. Obama years when this was deemed a dead issue as his Rev. (Jeremiah A. Wright). Obama denounced his former Reverend not because he wanted the votes. Obama denounced him because of his newly founded radicalism. The Reverend has retired since, gee, I wonder why. Oprah Winfrey went to the same chruch too! So, I guess that means that they are both the biggest racists and anti-American people ever. (I hope you caught the sarcasm)

Originally Posted by mcmichael13
The war on Iraq, we will win, unless obama is president. to propose a plan to pull out now with no care of what the enemy will do is just plain stupid. Yes the troops will come home, but to just yank them all out will make americans drop even lower in the world rank.
DEMOCRATS, REPUBLICANS, and AMERICANS DON'T want to pull out in one orgasmic motion. This is not sex without a condom. A thorough strategy must be formulated for a CONTROLLED removal and TRANSFERAL of authority to the Iraqi citizens. A proposed timeline should be used as a GUIDELINE to completed operation smoothly. This does not mean that by October 2009 troops must leave. If the guided dates planned are not deemed feasible then they will appropriately be extended accordingly.

Originally Posted by mcmichael13
well that doesnt make me want to support a candidate that supports the murder of children, born or unborn.
Yes, in every speech Obama starts with, "I will kill and drink the blood of ever born and unborn child in the world!!! Death to babies. I support Bush's war of terror!"

No. It's called pro-choice, not murder Babes just I want to.

Originally Posted by mcmichael13
For cases of rape, yes its very sad, however have the child and put it up for adoption.
So in the case of Rape the Woman is to life for 9 months with a constant reminder of the malicious attack that had occurred. Nice, real nice, ask your girlfriend/wife/right hand how they feel about that. Better yet, talk to a rape victim about it.

Originally Posted by mcmichael13
Palin knew before hand that her child would have down syndrome and she went ahead and had it anyway.
Good for her.

Originally Posted by mcmichael13
I am also against gay/lesbian marriages. A marriage is between a man and a woman. It was adam and eve not adam and steve.
I agree with on the matter that marriage is between a man and a woman. This is true, as marriage is a sacrament of the Catholic Church. However, the LGBT community was not trying to get the right to marriage...
...Let me repeat that...
They were trying to get civil unions to be recognized by the state, NOT by God, in the same light as marriage to get the same rights married couples get. You do realize now even STRAIGHT couples in civil unions can no longer get the same rights as married couples.

Originally Posted by mcmichael13
Global warming is a joke, a huge hoax. Scientist follow the money and will research things that will get them funding. There are plenty of politics in science/research. I go to an engineering school and we laugh about global warming.
It saddens me as an Engineer and a seeker of knowledge that an individual with your level of education has such crass views.

Originally Posted by mcmichael13
taxing the big companies who employee the middle class, yeah thats good economics. The employees will pay for it, or the consumers of the services they provide.
Currently, the United States has the second-highest corporate tax rate of all industrial societies, after economically anemic Japan. The U.S. federal rate of taxation is 35 percent, and when the average state and local corporate tax rates are added, American corporations pay, on average, a 39.27 percent tax on their incomes. China is at 25 percent; Mexico is at 28 percent; socialist Sweden is at 28 percent; and prosperous Ireland is at a mere 12.5 percent. If these comparative rates continue for much longer, the United States economy will mortally bleed jobs and prosperity to a world—both nominally socialist and free market—that has learned the low corporate tax lesson from Reagan’s America that current Washington has forgotten. Obama’s solution to the problem of jobs and industry going offshore is to lean toward protectionist policies (renegotiate NAFTA, oppose new free trade treaties, etc.). When one combines Obama’s plans to tighten international trade, create carbon trading regulations that will be the equivalent of a further $100 billion corporate tax, raise taxes generally on business, as well as his mind-numbingly counterproductive ‘windfall’ profit taxes on petroleum product companies (full disclosure: as a rational person, I support and provide professional advice to the petroleum industry), one has a formula for economic catastrophe not seen since Herbert Hoover’s similar Depression-inducing policy in 1929.
Cut and Paste.
Mr. Anthony Blankley thanks you for giving him credit for using his words.
Old 09-08-2008, 08:12 PM
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I love the Republican stance on abortion. They will protect unborn babies. Once the babies are born, screw em. Creationism is not science. How you can teach that in a science class I do not understand. With that being said, I believe in creationism. I believe God created the world. However, that is not science, it is FAITH. It has no business being taught in a public school. I'm sorry, but you can't shove your religion down other people throats.
Old 09-09-2008, 05:40 AM
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oops, thought i put a citation for the quote, i got it from the patriot post, found it interested so i pasted it in. i wasnt trying to play it as my own. i am not that detailed on my knowledge.

as for creation in school... i'm not saying shove it down their throats, but evolution is not more scientific than creation. Both take faith, and believing in evolution takes more faith than believing in a "god", whomever it might be that you believe in. Schools currently teach the theory of evolution, so why not just balance it with "some others believe in a theory of creation in which a supernatural being created the world"... i dont see that as forcing anything on anyone. in the end both theories come down to where you want to put your faith.

as for dinosaurs, you do realize that Man was made on the 6th day right? so every animal was created prior to man. but "God breathed into man and man became a living soul." Man is the only one with 3 parts, body, soul, and spirit. A counterpart that will live past the death of this life.

here are some nice articles, simple to read about dinosaurs

now on to abortion. being pro-choice means you are ok with the woman making the choice to kill a child. i have a couple friends who have been raped, and i've talked to many mothers about it, including my own. What i dont understand is how a doctor can kill an unborn child and get paid a huge sum of money but if someone murders a pregnant woman he is charged with double murder. the argument would be "well the woman didnt choose the outcome in the later", i'm sorry but i dont think anyone, except God, has the power of life/death. period.

i'm not saying any of this to change your minds or anything like that. i'm not trying to offend anyone and their beliefs/thoughts/ideas.
Old 09-09-2008, 05:51 AM
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on this topic, can someone please explain to me how radiocarbon dating works if you dont know the initial sample size to begin with? yes i get the half-life and how it exponentially decays, but without knowing the initial amount of carbon, you cant know how old it is. Most labs today wont report dates of over 60,000 years.

It just doesnt make sense to me how scientists can use the fossils to date the dirt, but then use the dirt to date the fossils. Then claim that carbon dating told them how old both are.


did some research and the decay is based upon the relation of carbon 12 to the isotope carbon 14 present, which apparently is a known quantity during life but carbon 14 begins to decay when life ends. that was my understanding of some articles i've read.

Last edited by mcmichael13; 09-09-2008 at 06:09 AM.
Old 09-09-2008, 06:07 AM
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Originally Posted by trustdestruction
That is unconstitutional.
please show me where in the constitution this law is set forth? i believe it was in Jefferson's letter to the Danbury Baptist Association. his response was "I contemplate with solemn reverence the act of the whole American people, which declared that their legislature should make no law respecting an establishment of religion. Or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, thus building a wall of separation between church and state."

Jefferson's comments were to protect the church from the state, not the state from the church. The Association feared that the government would establish a single denomination much like the Anglican church in England and Jefferson was merely stating his disapproval of such.

The Constitution was written as:
"that all men are endowed by their Creator [God] with certain unalienable Rights."

the "separation of church and state" is the one of the most misapplied and out of context statements.
Old 09-09-2008, 06:33 AM
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Originally Posted by mcmichael13
please show me where in the constitution this law is set forth? i believe it was in Jefferson's letter to the Danbury Baptist Association. his response was "I contemplate with solemn reverence the act of the whole American people, which declared that their legislature should make no law respecting an establishment of religion. Or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, thus building a wall of separation between church and state."

Jefferson's comments were to protect the church from the state, not the state from the church. The Association feared that the government would establish a single denomination much like the Anglican church in England and Jefferson was merely stating his disapproval of such.

The Constitution was written as:
"that all men are endowed by their Creator [God] with certain unalienable Rights."

the "separation of church and state" is the one of the most misapplied and out of context statements.
The argument is that teaching creationism in a public school means that you are teaching religion. You are advocating religion. What class would you teach it in? You can't teach it in science class, its not science. As far as Evolution being a theory goes, the fundamental theorem of calculus is also a theory. A theory without which you would be sitting around twiddling your thumbs since you can't do anything in engineering without calculus.
Old 09-09-2008, 06:44 AM
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Originally Posted by mcmichael13
Schools currently teach the theory of evolution, so why not just balance it with "some others believe in a theory of creation in which a supernatural being created the world"
See, the thing is, they teach the theory of evolution in high school biology. They do so for probably less than half of a class period and they're done with it.

But another thing is, if you're in High School Biology you have lived long enough to not need someone to tell you that a belief in creationism exists in many people. If you are in High School and you need a teacher to spell out to you "Oh, by the way some people go to church and believe in God creating the earth and everything, which is creationism," then you are retarded, because how could you in all your life have not noticed that.
Old 09-09-2008, 06:52 AM
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there is plenty of science behind it... the final conclusion is where do you put your faith... in the odds that our world went from chaos to order, from nothing to something.... or in a creator that is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. And I know not everyone will agree with a creator, you have a freedom of choice, but give that freedom to every kid in school. Its not teaching religion, its teaching theory. Teaching religion would entail information of sin, damnation, Heaven and Hell, salvation, Jesus Christ, and eternal life.
Old 09-09-2008, 06:54 AM
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i dont know about your high school bio class, but we spent a good couple weeks on it and i was tested on darwinism... i refused to write essays on it because i didnt believe in it. maybe not in your schools but i learned of evolution and darwinism far before high school, in elementary school.

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